Player Profile
Logo for Crvena Zvezda BEOGRAD
Middle blocker
SIMIC Stevan

Stevan SIMIC

Birth date
Spike Reach
Block Reach
Birth Place
205 cm
Middle blocker
350 cm
330 cm
Novi Sad
Season Statistics
Winning Spikes
Kill Blocks
Positive Reception %
Points Scored
Matches Played
Win %
Career Statistics
Winning Spikes
Kill Blocks
Positive Reception %
Points Scored
Matches Played
Win %
Data from entire career in CEV competitions, where statistics were gathered.
National Career
Season Team Shirt #
CEV Tokyo Volleyball European Qualification 2020 SERBIA 0
CEV EuroVolley 2021 SERBIA 13
2019 CEV Volleyball European Championship SERBIA 13
2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship SERBIA 13
2018 FIVB World Championship - European Qualification SERBIA 13
2015 FIVB U20/U21 Volleyball WCH - European Qualification SERBIA 0
2014 CEV U19/U20 Volleyball European Championship SERBIA 0
2013 Junior Volleyball World Championship European SERBIA 0
2013 CEV Youth Volleyball European Championship SERBIA 4
Club Career
Season Team Shirt #
2025 European Cups Crvena Zvezda BEOGRAD 1
2024 European Cups Neftohimik BURGAS 1
2023 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1
2022 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1
2021 European Cups OK Vojvodina Seme NOVI SAD 1
2020 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1
2019 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1
2018 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1
2017 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1
2016 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1
2015 European Cups Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD 1

Photos of Stevan SIMIC


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