Amazing Tijana Bošković with 28 points and a win for her Eczacibasi Dynavit ISTANBUL


Article Wed, Jan 10 2024
Author: Nika Aurora Ključarić

Another spectacular # CLVolleyWatch took place on a Wednesday evening. Vasas Óbuda BUDAPEST clashed with the formidable Eczacibasi Dynavit ISTANBUL. Two powerhouses from distinct volleyball landscapes converged in a battle of skill, strategy, and sheer determination. The anticipation was palpable as fans eagerly awaited an evening of electrifying sportsmanship and top-tier volleyball action.

Eczacibasi managed to take a 1-3 win (15-25, 16-25, 25-20, 22-25) over Budapest and bring new, important points to their table.


The Turkish team took complete dominance in the first set. In the middle of the set they were already five points in the lead and the advantage only grew as the set was coming to its end. Eczacibasi closed the first set by 15-25.

The second set was quite similar to the first one, with a lot of dominance by Türkiye. At 13-20, it was quite obvious that they would take yet another set and they managed to close it with 16-25.

The Hungarian team got back in the game in the third set and the set was equal on both sides. At 14-14, it was uncertain who would take this set but in the end, it went on the Hungarian side with 25-20.

The fight continued in the fourth set with both Bosković and Sillah scoring beautiful points in key moments and they managed to take the set by 22-25 and with that, closed the match with 1-3.

Tijana Bošković was the most valuable player with 28 scored points and three kill blocks. Scandicci is first in Pool B with 15 points, Eczacibasi is second with 12, Maritsa Plovdiv is third with two points and Vasas Budapest is last with one point.

"We didn’t show anything in the first two sets, but our young players brought us back into the game with great individual performances. From the third set we showed the best volleyball of our season and I’m extremely satisfied and happy about that."

Giannis Athanasopoulos
Head coach of Vasas Óbuda BUDAPEST

"The atmosphere was wonderful in the arena, Vasas made our job really difficult as they played an amazing game. In the end we managed to get the win and now we are focusing on the last game of the group stage against Scandicci."

Ferhat Akbas
Head coach of Eczacibasi Dynavit ISTANBUL
